Well, it's been a while. Not for stitching, just for blog posting. So it's time for some catching up.
My Phase 1 Japanese Embroidery project was completed during a 5-day workshop in November with Shay Pendray. I was so glad to be able to finish it there, as I would never have been willing to glue (yes, glue!!!) the back of an embroidery piece without proper supervision. The glueing went off without a hitch, thankfully.
Seasons by Jennifer Ashley Taylor, completed November 10, 2012 |
My travel project then became my main project as I tested out my newest purchase - a Millennium Frame and the Necessaire Stand from Needle Needs. Expensive - yes, especially after you get slapped around by the exchange rate from US$ to the GBP. Ouch. However, it is TOTALLY worth it. The Millennium Frame takes about 2 minutes to get your fabric set up and drum taut. And I mean taut. No more saggy sides with scroll rods. No more stitch clips to try to fix the saggy sides. It's a wonderful thing. As Ferris Bueller says; if you have the means, I highly suggest picking one up.
From Sea to Shining Sea by Little House Needleworks, completed November 22, 2012 |
Next to be done was the free sampler in 13 installments (several years ago) from Papillon Creations. You got to pick 4 floral colors, 2 greens, and a bead color and stitch it from there. I did the specialty stitch version, however there was an all cross stitch one available as well. When the project was current, people posted their progress to the Papillon Creations website with their color choices, and they are still available to view. Very cool to see how they all turned out so differently, and I enjoyed working on the bright spring-like colors during the blah days of a Michigan December.
How Does Your Garden Grow by Papillon Creations, completed December 26, 2012 |
So this was supposed to be my last finish for 2012. Not quite. So it became my first finish for 2013, and another "Try Something New" project - Japanese Kogin. It's pretty simple to do - it's pattern darning, or straight stitches. This was also a lesson in not judging a book by its cover, as the imported kit had English on the outside of the package but absolutely NONE on the inside. Thank goodness for clear diagrams! All it needs is hemming, and it will be ready for display.
Kogin Table Runner by Olympus, completed January 1, 2013 |
Over the last few years, I've had a goal of reducing my WIPS. And I've done a pretty good job at it, going from 13 or so down to 7 or 8 this year. It doesn't sound like much, except that most of my long-term WIPS that sit around for years tend to be BAPs. Really, really, big BAPs. So here now, is a confession of what's still sitting out there waiting for attention. For the most part, these are great projects that I enjoy working on - that I sometimes get bored with, distracted away from, or just plain sick of working on for a while. I'd like to see a couple of these finished up in 2013, but we'll see how my short stitching attention span goes.
Love, love, love it. But it's been hanging around for several years. I orgingally had to put it away when Miss Alex became mobile, and seemed to think that my stitching stand was her own personal jungle gym. So away it went, and I concentrated on smaller projects that could be hidden away quickly from curious little hands. The owner of those little hands is now 6, so I have no excuse to hide this one away any more.
Egypt Garden Mandala by Chatelaine |
Here's another one that I adore. Beautiful threads. Beautiful fabric. Algerian eyelets by the hundreds that really pissed off my tendinitis. So away this one went to rest my poor wrists. A couple of years ago. And hasn't made it back out yet.
White Nights in St. Petersburg by Chatelaine |
I love the way this one looks, but for some reason I am completely unable to put more than 5 stitches in it at a time without getting bored. I tried getting it out again at Thanksgiving-time this year with the same result.
Give Thanks by Glendon Place |
I enjoyed working on this one too. Can't remember why I put it aside. Dang.
Royal Persian Bloom by Talliaferro |
Love my Chatelaines. But the ones that repeat all four sides can be, well, repetitive to stitch. So this one got a break for a while too.
Alhambra Garden by Chatelaine |
I love this one too, but soooo much blue and soooo much yellow. I have to take breaks on it every once in a while. It got some attention earlier this year, and it's calling to me again so it will most likely get some more attention this year. Enough to finish it? We'll see.
Twister by Patricia A. Spencer |
My current WIP, my new guilt-free start for the New Year. So far, I've been able to work on it straight through without putting it aside, but gosh that's a lot of blue and white. I'm working towards the bottom to get all that out of the way so when I get to her arms, head and hair it will be like a reward.
Winter Queen by Mirabilia |
My other current WIP, for my Phase 2-3 Japanese Embroidery. I'm plugging along with the pre-work part of the instructions. I won't have another class until March, so I can do a little bit at a time.
Hioge Fan by Japanese Embroidery Center |
And since this blog has the little kid's name on it as well, you should see the little gem that she created on New Year's Day. Give her a pile of paper, a pair of scissors, and some scrapbooking adhesive and she makes a meal! Carrots and celery with ranch dressing, a Capri Sun, a plate with macaroni and cheese and a sandwich. Complete with silverware wrapped in a napkin. Fun!